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2017 AASL Conference: Call for Proposals

25 Jul 2016 3:53 PM | Anonymous

Detroit: A New Model

Deadline Extended! Monday, September 26, 5 pm EST

The AASL Programming Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2017 AASL Annual Conference, which will be held in Detroit, Michigan, March 23-25, 2017.

Conference programming will include lightning talks, conference papers, and tours.  Lightning talks are 6 minutes with a maximum of 12 slides; papers are15-20 minutes in length.

We are issuing a call for both lightning talks and conference papers.  We have listed several topics below that were identified as important to the membership based on feedback from the 2016 post-conference survey and our Strategic Planning session in Seattle. We also want to capitalize on the fact that we are meeting in Detroit. While our tours will bring you to special places in the city, we want to bring Detroit to some of our sessions too.  

Detroit will be both case study and analogy.  As a case study, we’ll explore representations of the city and its built environment across various media (you will hear more on that as the conference draws near). The analogy that Detroit provides for architectural librarianship is that tension between old and new.  When faced with the inevitability of change, how do we acknowledge the past, while welcoming the present?  Just as Detroiters (natives and new blood) are figuring out not only how to coexist but to work together to build a new model of a city; how do our old and new skills, services, and spaces build upon each other to provide a new model for moving forward in architectural librarianship?

We grow as we learn from each other.  Here are some suggestions for presentation topics.  See what inspires you. Fill out a proposal form so that we can hear about your work.

Our local environment

Local Case Studies – Engaging with our communities/cities – Finding local resources (ephemera, etc) – Feet on the Ground Reference (knowing your locale and your community and helping your students learn about your locale)


Collaboration with Faculty – Collaboration with other librarians – Grants – Interdisciplinary Opportunities


Publicity and Promotion – Community Involvement – Liaison Relationships – Embedded Librarians


Renovation – Maker Spaces – Library as Learning Lab – Closing Branches & Sharing Resources

Architecture School Collections

Documenting Student Work – Institutional Repositories – Born-Digital Architectural Records – Special Collections & Archives

Digital Scholarship

Digital Humanities – Student Work – Exhibits & Projects – Data Projects – Digital Repositories, Asset Management, & Metadata


Information Literacies – Research Assistance – Curriculum Development & Mapping – Supporting Traveling Studios


Tenure & Promotion – Alt-metrics – Measuring Impact

Proposals for either presentation format should not exceed 250 words. The submission deadline is September 16, 2016. Please use this Google Form to submit your proposals:

If you have any questions regarding submission, please contact the 2017 Programming Committee at:

We look forward to reading your proposals and seeing you at the conference!


The 2017 AASL Conference Programming Committee

Martin Aurand

Mar González Palacios

Rebecca Price, Conference Planning Chair

Amy Trendler

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